Saturday, February 10, 2007

Well that really worked!

We decided to try something new in the last email campaign we sent out. Instead of featuring the voices and words of YPAC staff (read: David and I), we decided to feature messages you -- people in the YPAC community -- had sent to your elected officials.

Lauren, Jesse and Belinda offered to share their stories with the YPAC community, so we emailed to our full mailing list the stories they had sent to their elected officials.

The response was overwhelming. Alice Shan wrote "Finally someone does something for the youth of America." J.Marko wrote us to say "Being an old person, I often have thoughts of 'yipes, the kids today.' Then though, see the fruits of labor of the kids. A bit of joy, keep at it. Positive vibes your way. Again thanks for keeping at it."

Most importantly, a number of you sent us even more stories you would like to share with the YPAC community; and as you will soon see, these stories are quite amazing.

I simply had to find a way to share all these stories with you. So I dusted off this blog (which had been getting scant attention), updated its look and features, and will start posting the stories you send in here.

Be sure to take the time to post comments back to the people who submitted their stories -- I am sure they will appreciate it!

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