"Our daughter, Josie finished attending our local community college, NIACC (North Iowa Area Community College) and began attending Iowa State University in Ames in January. It was convenient and affordable for her to attend NIACC those 2 ½ years, and we were able to pay the tuition, books, etc without obtaining a student loan. It’s always been Josie’s education goal to attend a four year university. Up until December 2006, she was undecided where she would attend. After visiting both U of Ia and ISU, she decided on ISU. What an absolute shock it was for her father and I to see the price of tuition rates/book fees/housing etc! We had no idea the cost.
My first reaction was panic. 'How would we get the money borrowed by the due date of January 20th?' We made two trips to Ames to discuss student loans with ISU staff. Most of the applications were more readily accepted if done on the Internet. So we did. I expected the United States to encourage and make available an education that is not only affordable but attainable by all socio-economic levels. I was saddened to see that the interest rate to borrow money to obtain a respectable education was higher than I recently obtained for a loan on a 5 year old car!
We co-signed for her, and God willing, she will graduate and obtain a job she enjoys and engages in. I do already worry about the responsibility she will have 6 months after graduation, beginning to pay off the nearly $80,000 student loan she will have. It is no wonder our young Americans are troubled by problems associated with over spending and why so many of them will also leave Iowa (perhaps against their own wishes) to obtain a job that support those college loan payments.
Thank you so much for your positive vote to make the changes in the right direction. I appreciate your time."