"Dear Representative Anthony Adams,
We need less government interference into healthcare, not more, so please hang tough and do not let the socialists take over the state. Six million Californians choose not to buy healthcare insurance - that's called freedom. The governor thinks they are victims, and they will be if they are forced to fund his healthcare scheme. That 4% payroll tax is a sham because you should know it will come entirely out of worker pay, not employer profits. Our governor ran for office touting individual choice; now he wants to double-cross the voters by imposing his own choices on everyone!"
Monday, November 12, 2007
Dan's Message about Heathcare Reform
Posted by
6:13 PM
Labels: Children/Families
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Rafael's Message about Homeless Teens
Posted by
5:37 PM
Labels: Children/Families
Monday, October 22, 2007
Colleen's heartfelt plea to stop the Drug War draft
"Dear Representative John Carter,
As your constituent, I'm writing to urge you to make sure that the penalty that strips financial aid from college students with drug convictions is repealed through the Higher Education Act reauthorization.
I have a child who is a student at Baylor. A drug conviction hurts those students most in need and it is adding insult to injury to take away student aid for a safer choice, cannabis. Drug abuse is a medical problem not a criminal activity. If we allow 18 year olds to join the military and possibly die protecting freedom then they should be free to have a drink in peace, legally.
I taught my children that their bodies are the temples of their souls. However, when my children became young adults I told them the truth about drugs. Including that marijuana or cannabis is a safer health choice in a recreational drug but the collateral damage from arrest can be devastating and life long.
Truth, trust and reason encourage open communications between youth, parents and faculties. Over a thousand people die each day due to tobacco use! Close to 300 a day die from prescribed pharmaceuticals. The tobacco, alcohol and pharmaceuticals gangs deal drugs that kill many more annually than all illicit drugs. We tolerate their salesmen! Alcohol makes domestic violence 8xs more likely; marijuana does not according to a 2003 study. There is a link between pharmaceutical psychotropic drugs and violence including school violence!
Since the Aid Elimination Penalty was added as an amendment to HEA in 1998, more than 200,000 aspiring students have been blocked access to educational assistance, often for relatively minor offenses such as possession of small amounts of marijuana. While the penalty is supposed to keep young people away from drugs, it actually does the opposite by kicking at-risk students out of school. But blocking access to education doesn't just hurt the students directly impacted; it has harmful implications for society as a whole.
College graduates are much more likely to become successful taxpaying citizens, while those who are kicked out of school are more likely to abuse drugs, become costly drains on the criminal justice system, and rely on expensive government assistance programs. Furthermore, since students already have to make good academic progress to receive financial aid, the penalty only affects hardworking students who are doing well in their classes. As for students who are causing problems and disrupting the learning process for others, college administrators already have the authority to expel them, and judges have long had the ability to revoke student aid from people with drug convictions on a case-by-case basis.
Numerous addiction recovery, criminal justice, religious, and other leaders have insisted that education is one of the best means to reduce crime and drug abuse, and Congress's own Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance recommended removing the drug conviction question from the aid application, calling it "irrelevant" to eligibility.
Fortunately, this year's HEA reauthorization process presents a great opportunity to get rid of the harmful and unfair penalty once and for all. Please help tens of thousands of hardworking and determined individuals get back into school and on the path to success by making sure that the HEA bill includes language repealing the aid elimination penalty. Thanks for your attention to this important issue. "
Posted by
12:24 PM
Peter's Message to Stop the Drug War Draft
"Dear Rep. Lynn Woolsey,
As your constituent, and SSU graduate, I'm appalled to hear that students can be denied financial aid, but continue on to carry weapons and wage war. This sends the opposite message that STAYING in school will help make the world a safer, better, place to live.
Therefore, I'm urging you to make sure that the penalty that strips financial aid from college students with drug convictions is repealed through the Higher Education Act reauthorization. Since the Aid Elimination Penalty was added as an amendment to HEA in 1998, more than 200,000 aspiring students have been blocked access to educational assistance, often for relatively minor offenses such as possession of small amounts of marijuana.
While the penalty is supposed to keep young people away from drugs, it actually does the opposite by kicking at-risk students out of school.
But blocking access to education doesn't just hurt the students directly impacted; it has harmful implications for society as a whole. College graduates are much more likely to become successful taxpaying citizens, while those who are kicked out of school are more likely to abuse drugs, become costly drains on the criminal justice system, and rely on expensive government assistance programs.
Furthermore, since students already have to make good academic progress to receive financial aid, the penalty only affects hardworking students who are doing well in their classes.
As for students who are causing problems and disrupting the learning process for others, college administrators already have the authority to expel them, and judges have long had the ability to revoke student aid from people with drug convictions on a case-by-case basis. The one-size-fits-all penalty strips discretion from decision-makers who know students best.
Numerous addiction recovery, criminal justice, religious, and other leaders have insisted that education is one of the best means to reduce crime and drug abuse, and Congress's own Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance recommended removing the drug conviction question from the aid application, calling it "irrelevant" to eligibility. Even the the Undersecretary of Education recently testified to a House subcommittee that the drug question is "not anything that we need at the department."
Fortunately, this year's HEA reauthorization process presents a great opportunity to get rid of the harmful and unfair penalty once and for all. Please help tens of thousands of hardworking and determined individuals get back into school and on the path to success by making sure that the HEA bill includes language repealing the aid elimination penalty.
Thanks for your attention to this important issue. I look forward to hearing your thoughts as soon as you have a chance to share them."
Posted by
12:04 PM
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Message to Congress about the Financial Aid Penalty
"Dear Rick Boucher,
As your constituent, I'm writing to urge you to make sure that the penalty that strips financial aid from college students with drug convictions is repealed through the Higher Education Act reauthorization. Since the aid elimination penalty was added as an amendment to HEA in 1998, nearly 200,000 aspiring students have been blocked access to educational assistance, often for relatively minor offenses such as possession of small amounts of marijuana.
While the penalty is supposed to keep young people away from drugs, it actually does the opposite by kicking at-risk students out of school. But blocking access to education doesn't just hurt the students directly impacted it has harmful implications for society as a whole. College graduates are much more likely to become successful taxpaying citizens, while those who are kicked out of school are more likely to abuse drugs, become costly drains on the criminal justice system, and rely on expensive government assistance programs.
Furthermore, since students already have to make good academic progress to receive financial aid, the penalty only affects hardworking students who are doing well in their classes. As for students who are causing problems and disrupting the learning process for others, college administrators already have the authority to expel them, and judges have long had the ability to revoke student aid from people with drug convictions on a case-by-case basis. The one-size-fits-all penalty strips discretion from decision-makers who know students best. Numerous addiction recovery, criminal justice, religious, and other leaders have insisted that education is one of the best means to reduce crime and drug abuse, and Congress's own Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance recommended removing the drug conviction question from the aid application, calling it "irrelevant" to eligibility.
Even the Bush administration doesn't like the penalty; the Undersecretary of Education recently testified to a House subcommittee that the drug question is "not anything that we need at the department." Fortunately, this year's HEA reauthorization process presents a great opportunity to get rid of the harmful and unfair penalty once and for all. Please help tens of thousands of hardworking and determined individuals get back into school and on the path to success by making sure that the HEA bill includes language repealing the aid elimination penalty. Thanks for your attention to this important issue. I look forward to hearing your thoughts as soon as you have a chance to share them."
Tell Congress to help on this issue: http://capwiz.com/mobilize//issues/alert/?alertid=10094061
Posted by
3:31 PM
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Tom's Message to Congress About the Drug Czar
"Dear Director John P. Walters,
As a taxpaying American citizen, I'm outraged to learn that under your leadership, the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) used my hard-earned dollars to travel across the country campaigning for embattled Republican Congressional candidates in 2006. Your office is charged with addressing the serious issue of substance abuse in a sensible way, but you've instead abused your power for partisan political purposes, wholly neglecting the responsibilities that have been entrusted to you.
That's why the Senate Appropriations Committee moved last year to cut ONDCP's salaries in half, citing your office's "lethargy," "unresponsiveness" to Congressional appropriators, and "unnecessary waste of time and energy." The new evidence of your potentially illegal campaigning is just the latest in a long line of embarrassing and outrageous activities ONDCP has engaged in under your watch:
* You've spent taxpayer money to campaign and lobby against citizen ballot initiatives and state legislation that would reform aspects of the ineffective War on Drugs.
* You've attempted to prevent Congress and the public from gaining access to a scientific evaluation of your "anti-drug" advertising campaign because you didn't like the results showing that the ads actually cause more, not less, teen drug use. Despite these alarming results, you've kept the dangerous ads on the air.
* You've spent millions of dollars a year spraying poisonous chemicals on the jungles and fields of Colombia in a failed effort to eradicate coca crops and prevent cocaine from entering or country. Yet while continuing to publicly advocate this eradication program, you admitted in a private letter to Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) that cocaine prices on America's streets are dropping and its purity is increasing.
* You've actively pushed for the continued federal criminalization of seriously ill Americans suffering from cancer, AIDS, and multiple sclerosis who use medical marijuana with their doctors' recommendations, even where it is legal under state law. In an affront to federalism and states' rights, ONDCP and the Food and Drug Administration released a politicized statement last year criticizing states with medical marijuana laws.
The problems associated with drug abuse and drug prohibition are too important to take a back seat to your ideological agenda and partisan politics. I therefore call on you to immediately resign your position as director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy."
Posted by
10:32 AM
Labels: Drug Policy
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Message to Congress about Youth Anti-Drug Propaganda Ads
"Dear Senator Barbara Boxer,
The federal government has already wasted more than $1.5 billion on the harmful and offensive ad campaign since 1998. Please follow the recommendations of the National Taxpayers Union, the 100-member House Republican Study Committee, and Citizens Against Government Waste and eliminate the ads so that no more taxpayer money is wasted on this expensive boondoggle. Even the White House Office of Management and Budget said the program is "not performing," giving it a score of just 6 percent out of 100 for results and accountability. Nonetheless, the president has requested that another $130 million of taxpayers' money be thrown at the ads next year. Please don't allow this harmful waste to go on any longer.
A few weeks ago the bipartisan committee that audited the books for the War on Drugs budget wanted to know where the money was that was raised. I 'd like to know as well. And having been a drug researcher for a Federal program during the Nixon era, after our $33Million study was done, and shelved (Nix didn't like the conclusion) I know the government lies about the drugs. Horrible mistake. The Freedom of Information act published the study in the Nation a few months ago - 30 years after the fact! The stupid propaganda needs to stop because now even half the medical community believes it. That spells disaster. Tell the TRUTH or shut up."
Tell Congress to help other people on this same issue: http://capwiz.com/mobilize//issues/alert/?alertid=9758556
Posted by
10:27 AM
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Oscar's Message to Congress about Anti-Drug Propaganda Ads
"Dear Representative Tom Feeney,
Posted by
9:38 AM
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Becky's Message to Congress about Anti-Drug Propaganda Ads
"Dear Senator Ron Wyden,
Please help stop the ridiculous lies that the government is paying to broadcast to our people about marijuana use. In stead of trying to convince the population that marijuana use will cause insanity and illegal behavior, it would be much more helpful to point out that it is less harmful than the way that many Americans use alcohol, but that responsible users should watch what they eat when using marijuana. Convincing teenagers that marijuana has a stronger psychotropic effect than euphoric laziness and increased appetite is simply going to make them want to try it more. I know I did. I understand that it's too early to convince our lawmakers to legalize this substance since most of the supporters are still too young to be a majority of the voters, but please help stop the spreading of lies about it. I hope that one day an average wild college party can consist of marijuana, Doritos, and video games, rather than a bottle of booze, a brawl, and the rape of a passed-out-drunk girl. Please help us make the first steps toward this future.
As your constituent, I'm writing to urge you to eliminate funding for the ineffective, expensive, and harmful National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign when you consider the Financial Services appropriations bill. Government-funded studies have repeatedly shown that these expensive "anti-drug" ads actually cause more - not less - teen drug use! It's no surprise that teens react negatively to the ads, which ridiculously claim that using marijuana causes people to shoot their friends in the face, get their fist stuck in their mouth, get pregnant, and even support terrorism. The federal government has already wasted more than $1.5 billion on the harmful and offensive ad campaign since 1998. Please follow the recommendations of the National Taxpayers Union, the 100-member House Republican Study Committee, and Citizens Against Government Waste and eliminate the ads so that no more taxpayer money is wasted on this expensive boondoggle.
Even the White House Office of Management and Budget said the program is "not performing," giving it a score of just 6 percent out of 100 for results and accountability. Nonetheless, the president has requested that another $130 million of taxpayers' money be thrown at the ads next year. Please don't allow this harmful waste to go on any longer. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on whether or not the government should keep spending taxpayers' money on a program that gets failing evaluations year after year."
Posted by
3:00 PM
Labels: Drug Policy
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Kara's Message to Congress about the IMPACT Act
Dear Representative Marshall,
Our nation is on of the most, if not the most, developed country in the world. Yet, we have the highest obesity rate? We have the resources. Eating disorders are also becoming a far too common problem. Why is that? People can get food. No one has to starve. America also has the highest depression rate of any other country, I believe. People can get therapy and medicine if they need it. Why can't we keep our citizens healthy?
It could have something to do with schools and after school programs not having enough P.E. and resces time. That the surgeon general recommends forty-five minutes of excersise a day, and most children don't get that in a week. If could be that fast food is far too accessable and a lot easier than cooking healthy meals. It could be that celebrities feel pressure to be stick thin, and today's youth feels pressure to look like celebrities. All of those things combine to lead to depression and other mental disorders. This great country of ours needs to take steps to promote health in youth.
We need to show the youth how to eat properly and get the recommended physical activity in a way that children and teens will want to do. We need to promote a healthy body image and higher self-esteem. The IMPACT Act would establish grants encouraging these groups to collectively develop solutions and would also provide much needed training for health professionals. I urge you to co-sponsor the IMPACT Act, HR 2677. With your leadership and vision, we can make sure that our youth lead healthy, fulfilling lives. The youth of today are the movers and shakers of tomorrow. They should be healthy, don't you think?
Posted by
2:42 PM
Labels: Children/Families
Kara's Message to Congress about Abstinence-Only Programs
Dear Representative Marshall,
Our society is one of information; the TV and internet being the two most popular sources of that information. With children and teens, their friends also play a large role in where they get information. What they learn from TV, the internet, and their friends is often, understandably skewed or just completely wrong. Schools are supposed to then be a place where kids can get balanced and accurate information. What happens when its not? On the topic of sex education most schools don't offer balanced, accurate, and complete information because teachers are told to teach abstinence-only-until-marriage as a sex EDUCATION course. Abstinence-only-until-marriage sex education teaches that abstinence is the only way to prevent pregnancy and STDs. Courses like this are prohibited from supporting the use of contraceptives. The teachers either don't mention contraceptives or simply focus on their (often exaggerated) failure rates. The most common way that these programs try to convince teens not to have sex until marriage is by using fear, shame, and religious beliefs to tell these kids that sex outside of marriage is wrong.
Also these classes regularly fail to address commonly held myths; such as you can't get pregnant if you have sex standing up. You would think that any person with common sense would know that you can get pregnant no matter what position, but these children don't and we're not teaching them any differently. As of 2003 over 80% of the abstinence-only curricula contained false, misleading, or distorted information. Four in ten sex ed teachers either don't teach about contraceptives, including condoms, or teach that they are ineffective in preventing pregnancy or STDs, as complying with the guidelines set forth for an abstinence-only program. Numerous studies have shown that abstinence-only courses have little impact on the attitudes teens have about sex or what age they begin having sex.
Actually, its been shown that abstinence-only courses have a negative impact on a teen's willingness to use contraceptives, such as condoms, to prevent pregnancy or STDs because these teens have been taught that they don't work. Sex education that includes information about abstinence and contraception does not send a mixed message, but those students are more likely to delay sex and use protection when they do begin having sex than those students who receive abstinence-only courses.
Four in ten girls get pregnant at least once before age twenty. One out of every four, about three million, sexually active teen gets infected with an STD every year. Half of the forty thousand new HIV infections each year are to people under the age of twenty-five. On average, two young people get HIV every hour of every day. By their late teens at least ¾ of teens have had sex, and more than 2/3 of those have had two or more partners. About 40% of males don't receive any education about birth control or STDs before they begin having sex. Almost 50% of 7th-12th grade students want more facts about birth control, STDs, pressure to have sex, how to talk to a partner about protection, and what to do in the event of sexual assault. Our children want the information. Isn't it our job, as an informed society, to educate these kids? I think it is.
Over $170 million are spent on these abstinence-only courses each year; almost $1 billion to date, with little to show for it. American teens still get pregnant more than teens in any other developed country. Teens still account for almost half of the about 19 million new cases of STDs each year. What we're doing isn't working. If we want to protect our teens and future generations than we've got to change something. Sex is a sensitive subject in our society. People's reluctant ness and even unwillingness to discuss this sensitive, complicated, and often just plain awkward subject is completely understandable. Our children and teens need to know the facts, though. We should be able to put aside our embarrassment and pride and accept the fact that most teens are going to have sex and it's our job to prepare them for the risks. We need to stop funding programs that do more harm then good and start funding programs that promote safety and knowledge. As a teen, I'm asking you to think about me and my safety. I believe I deserve that.
Posted by
2:33 PM
Labels: Education
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
David's Message about Youth Anti-Drug Propaganda
Dear Senator Dianne Feinstein,
As your constituent, I'm writing to urge you to eliminate funding for the ineffective, expensive, and harmful National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign when you consider the Financial Services appropriations bill. Government-funded studies have repeatedly shown that these expensive "anti-drug" ads actually cause more - not less - teen drug use! It's no surprise that teens react negatively to the ads, which ridiculously claim that using marijuana causes people to shoot their friends in the face, get their fist stuck in their mouth, get pregnant, and even support terrorism. The federal government has already wasted more than $1.5 billion on the harmful and offensive ad campaign since 1998. Please follow the recommendations of the National Taxpayers Union, the 100-member House Republican Study Committee, and Citizens Against Government Waste and eliminate the ads so that no more taxpayer money is wasted on this expensive boondoggle. Even the White House Office of Management and Budget said the program is "not performing," giving it a score of just 6 percent out of 100 for results and accountability. Nonetheless, the president has requested that another $130 million of taxpayers' money be thrown at the ads next year. Please don't allow this harmful waste to go on any longer.
A few weeks ago the bipartisan committee that audited the books for the War on Drugs budget wanted to know where the money was that was raised. I 'd like to know as well. And having been a drug researcher for a Federal program during the Nixon era, after our $33 million study was done, and shelved (Nixon didn't like the conclusion) I know the government lies about the drugs. Horrible mistake. The Freedom of Information Act published the study in the Nation a few months ago - 30 years after the fact! The stupid propaganda needs to stop because now even half the medical community believes it. That spells disaster. Tell the TRUTH or shut up. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on whether or not the government should keep spending taxpayers' money on a program that gets failing evaluations year after year.
Posted by
8:37 AM
Labels: Drug Policy
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Jessica's Message to Congress about the Youth Coordination Act
I am the Co-Executive Director of the Detroit chapter of StandUp for Kids, a non-profit all volunteer organization whose mission is to help homeless and street youth. I am writing to urge you to support a $1 million appropriation for the Federal Youth Coordination Act. The Federal Youth Coordination Act creates the Federal Youth Development Council, and requires only a modest $1 million appropriation to implement one of the only pieces of legislation ever passed that will potentially impact millions of youth in the United States. I feel that this is such a necessary appropriation especially when speaking on behalf of homeless youth in our country. According to National Runaway Switchboard, there are over 1.3 million homeless youth living in the US. Homeless youth, without intervention from trusted adults who provide guideance/mentoring programs and services, are at high risk for turning to often illegal means of survival, such as drugs or prostitution.
Youth, particularly at-risk youth and their families, need effective, coordinated, and meaningful services. Youth policies and programs are found in almost every federal department, often working with little coordination or collaboration with others. It is important for you to understand that support services, as well as homelessness education and deterrent programs such that StandUp for Kids provices are highly effective when we reach at risk youth who are struggling in Detroit. The Federal Youth Development Council would bring together those Department and Agency members along with members from the private and youth-serving non-profit sectors, and youth themselves, to increase communication among federal agencies; develop a comprehensive plan to more strategically implement federal youth policy; recommend objectives and goals for federal youth programs; facilitate collaboration on interagency demonstration projects; and provide technical assistance to state-funded youth coordinating councils. Help us finish the job left by the 109th Congress -- please provide $1 million for the Federal Youth Coordination Act!"
Posted by
12:44 PM
Labels: Youth Policy
Diane's Message to Congress about the Youth Coordination Act
"Dear Senator Richard Durbin,
I am the Founder/President of Kids Off The Block (KOB) in the Roseland Community. I founded KOB to give youth positive alternatives to the streets. I was tired of seeing our young people killed because of violence, dropping out of school at alarming rates, and not having the resources to persue their dreams. Since the closing of our local YMCA, quality youth programs are either out of the area or parents cannot afford the services. Our programs need this bill passed because youth, particularly at-risk youth and their families, need effective, coordinated, and meaningful services. Youth policies and programs are found in almost every federal department, often working with little coordination or collaboration with others.
I am writing to ask you to support a $1 million appropriation for the Federal Youth Coordination Act. The Federal Youth Coordination Act creates the Federal Youth Development Council, and requires only a modest $1 million appropriation to implement one of the only pieces of legislation ever passed that will potentially impact millions of youth in the United States. The Federal Youth Development Council would bring together those Department and Agency members along with members from the private and youth-serving non-profit sectors, and youth themselves, to increase communication among federal agencies; develop a comprehensive plan to more strategically implement federal youth policy; recommend objectives and goals for federal youth programs; facilitate collaboration on interagency demonstration projects; and provide technical assistance to state-funded youth coordinating councils. Help us finish the job left by the 109th Congress -- please provide $1 million for the Federal Youth Coordination Act!"
Posted by
9:41 AM
Labels: Youth Policy
Friday, May 25, 2007
Karen's Message to Congress about the Drug War Roadblock
Dear Senators Mike Crapo and Larry Craig,
"As your constituent, I'm writing to urge you to make sure that the penalty that strips financial aid from college students with drug convictions is passed Students have to learn that breaking the law is a crime, regardless of whether or not they like the law or not. If they don't want to have their student aid taken away, they they should not commit a crime. Students have to learn that student aid is not an entitlement or a right, but that rather it is a priviledge that can be revoked when they break a crime. As a law-abinding taxpayer I do not want to fund school for someone who claims not to have enough money for tuition but has enough money to buy a joint. As for students who are causing problems and disrupting the learning process for others, college administrators already have the authority to expel them, and judges have long had the ability to revoke student aid from people with drug convictions on a case-by-case basis. This is appropriate and should be done more.
Numerous addiction recovery, criminal justice, religious, and other leaders have insisted that education is one of the best means to reduce crime and drug abuse. If easy access to studnet aid and thereby education comes with the responsibility of being law-abiding perhaps it will be more highly valued. Please help tens of thousands of hardworking and determined individuals get back into school and on the path to success by making sure that this clause is enforced and limited funds are spent on them and not on stoners. Thanks for your attention to this important issue. I look forward to hearing your thoughts as soon as you have a chance to share them."
Posted by
11:10 AM
Labels: Education
Cougar's Message to Congress about Anti-Drug Propaganda
Dear Representative Nancy Pelosi,
"I have a personal reason for opposing the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign. I am a medical marijuana user with multiple sclerosis. I have been researching the use of medical marijuana for multiple sclerosis, and several years ago, I had a list of over sixty scientific journal articles that discuss the use of marijuana to protect the nerves of a multiple sclerosis patient from damage. This is scientific fact. For years, I used marijuana before my diagnosis. Then, I went through a period of not using marijuana, and I promptly developed multiple sclerosis. I now believe that I intuitively knew that I was protecting myself, and that when I was finally convinced to quit pot, I did myself irreparable damage. Before I had MS, my use of pot was prophylactic, but I didn't know it. I only know now, because I quit pot and developed MS, and furthermore, I've done the research to evaluate this belief.
The scientific research I've found supports my belief. The ads that the government is running are doing irreparable damage to future MS patients by causing them to give up the one thing that is keeping them healthy. The anti-drug ads are therefore evil. They are doing more harm than any amount of benefit could counterbalance. Telling kids to give up pot is as harmful as trying to sell tobacco to them, because a percentage of them will develop MS because of quitting pot--just like I did. The damage done to the group of people who give up pot is greater than the damage done by promoting tobacco. MS is a horrible disease, and promoting a policy that causes MS to become more widespread is wrong. End the evil. End the evil campaign of misinformation. In the end, this ad campaign will only create a generation of cynics who understand that the government tells lies for political purposes. The government cannot lie to the people without losing its credibility."
Posted by
10:48 AM
Labels: Drug Policy
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Jonathan's Message to Congress About Anti-Drug Advertisements
Dear Senator George Voinovich,
As my representative I request that you take the stance of science and not politics. Anti-drug ads produced by our government are not effective and as I am sure you have heard actually increase drug use. This is a waste of millions of dollars and really needs to stop. Also having cannibus scheduled as a #1 illlegal narcotic is also an old policy based on racism and favors our harmful multinational corporations. Please reconsider these things when you have time. Democracy does not work when our government favors corporations (who have $) as opposed to your citizens who comprise this nation. Make decisions based on science and not politics. Be a leader and start making the correct changes before the entire world collapses under American hegemony. The government lost the support of a majority of the world a while ago, don't lose the rest of the citizens who still care.
--Jonathan Cachat
Tell Congress to help people like Jonathan:
Posted by
12:40 PM
Labels: Drug Policy
Friday, April 27, 2007
Rosalie's Message about the Virginia Tech Shootings
"Dear KARE (NBC-11) , KSTP (ABC-5), KMSP (FOX 9), KSTP 1500 AM, KFAI 90.3 FM/106.7 FM,
As the hours passed and the news media repeatedly said "The worst campus shooting in history" I knew in my gut that it would be only a matter of days before someone else would try to stake THEIR claim as the "worst campus shooter." And just as I expected, in the coming days bomb threats, shooting threats, gun smugglings, etc. happened on campuses across country from Seattle WA to the suburban metro-area schools near Minneapolis. And of course, a few days later we had the shooting at NASA in Texas.
We must demand that our media limit themselves when it comes to news coverage of these horrible events. These disturbed people are seeking attention ... even if it must be posthumous notariety, such as Cho gave to the Columbine murderers. Once the basic news is reported, stop! NO ONE needs to know how frightened the students were, or how horrified their families were when they saw the news media on the VA Tech campus. Glorifying violence, even under the guise of providing the people with the facts, causes further violence. Enough is enough!"
Posted by
11:44 AM
Labels: Virginia Tech Shootings
Monday, April 23, 2007
Margaret's Message about the Virginia Tech Shootings
"Dear [recipient name was inserted here],
It was a very sad day for our society - not only for the victims and their families, but for the shooter who was a victim of bullying, neglect by family members, and society. Had the bullying been stopped in grade school and he had been treated as a useful, important member of society like others were this problem most likely would not have escalated to the point of revenge. This young man had to feel extremely dejected and alone. His pain turned to revenge. How very sad that those around him could not love him enough to help him when this began. Had he been put
in a program like Victory Ranch for Children the outcome would most likely have been a much happier one. They don't use drugs - they use love to help overcome the hurt that destroys self confidence and esteem. I would hope the media and our local, state, and federal governments officials would focus on how to aid young people in receiving help before it is too late."
Posted by
1:59 PM
Labels: Virginia Tech Shootings
Donna's Message about the Virginia Tech Shootings
"I feel saddened for the victims and their families. I also feel sad for Cho. I can only wonder how alienated this young man might have felt coming to the US at the age of 8. Was he teased by schoolmates through elementary through high school? or simply alienated? I feel this case makes it clear that troubled children need to get counseling and psycological help in elementary, high school and from college counseling centers. I believe this case also makes it clear why gun registration, background checks and at least a short waiting period for gun purchases might be a prudent measure."
Posted by
11:33 AM
Labels: Virginia Tech Shootings
Brandi's Message about the Drug War on Education
“Dear Senators Martinez and Nelson,
My name is Brandi Stanley, and I'm currently a student at the Osceola County School for the Arts. I am a vocal major that takes pride in my hard work and dedication to my education. I am looking forward to attending college next year, but, I'm not so sure if I'm going to be able to afford it financially. There is a penalty that strips financial aid from college students with drug convictions, and unless it is repealed through the Higher Education Act reauthorization. I will admit I did make a mistake, and I was arrested with a less than five grams of pot, which will stay on my record for the rest of my life. One mistake, only one, can have the ability to take the rest of my future away. I am not a bad person, and I am an A student, just like 200,000 other aspiring students who were blocked access to aid, most often for relatively minor offenses such as possession of a small amount of marijuana, like myself, since the aid elimination penalty was added as an amendment to HEA in 1998.
While this penalty is supposed to keep young people away from drugs, it actually does the opposite by kicking at-risk students out of school.
But blocking access to education doesn't just hurt students such as myself, but it has harmful implications for society as a whole. College graduates are much more likely to become successful taxpaying citizens, while those who are kicked out of school are more likely to abuse drugs, become costly drains on the criminal justice system, and rely on expensive government assistance programs.
There are already minimum GPA requirements to recieve financial aid, so in essence, the penalty is only affecting hardworking students who are doing well in their classes.
As for students who are causing problems and disrupting the learning process for others, college administrators already have the authority to expel them, and judges have long had the ability to revoke student aid from people with drug convictions on a case-by-case basis. The one-size-fits-all penalty strips discretion from decision-makers who know students best.
Numerous addiction recovery, criminal justice, religious, and other leaders have insisted that education is one of the best means to reduce crime and drug abuse, and Congress's own Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance recommended removing the drug conviction question from the aid application, calling it "irrelevant" to eligibility. Even the Bush administration doesn't like the penalty; the Undersecretary of Education recently testified to a House subcommittee that the drug question is "not anything that we need at the department."
Fortunately, this year's HEA reauthorization process presents a great opportunity to get rid of the harmful and unfair penalty once and for all. Please help tens of thousands of hardworking and determined individuals like myself stay in school andon the path to success by making sure that the HEA bill includes language repealing the aid elimination penalty.
Thank you so much for you attention on this detrimental issue. You are the only ones that can help me save my education that I hold so dear. I look forward to hearing your thoughts as soon as you have a chance to share them.”
Posted by
11:16 AM
Labels: Drug Policy, Education
Carrie's Message about the Drug War on Education
"Dear Senator Brownback,
As your constituent, I'm writing to urge you to make sure that the penalty that strips financial aid from college students with drug convictions is repealed through the Higher Education Act reauthorization. Since the aid elimination penalty was added as an amendment to HEA in 1998, nearly 200,000 aspiring students have been blocked access to aid, often for relatively minor offenses such as possession of small amounts of marijuana.
While the penalty is supposed to keep young people away from drugs, it actually does the opposite by kicking at-risk students out of school.
But blocking access to education doesn't just hurt the students directly impacted; it has harmful implications for society as a whole. College graduates are much more likely to become successful taxpaying citizens, while those who are kicked out of school are more likely to abuse drugs, become costly drains on the criminal justice system, and rely on expensive government assistance programs.
Furthermore, since there are already minimum GPA requirements to receive financial aid, the penalty only affects hardworking students who are doing well in their classes.
As for students who are causing problems and disrupting the learning process for others, college administrators already have the authority to expel them, and judges have long had the ability to revoke student aid from people with drug convictions on a case-by-case basis. The one-size-fits-all penalty strips discretion from decision-makers who know students best.
Numerous addiction recovery, criminal justice, religious, and other leaders have insisted that education is one of the best means to reduce crime and drug abuse, and Congress's own Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance recommended removing the drug conviction question from the aid application, calling it "irrelevant" to eligibility. Even the Bush administration doesn’t like the penalty; the Undersecretary of Education recently testified to a House subcommittee that the drug question is “not anything that we need at the department.”
Fortunately, this year’s HEA reauthorization process presents a great opportunity to get rid of the harmful and unfair penalty once and for all. Please help tens of thousands of hardworking and determined individuals get back into school and on the path to success by making sure that the HEA bill includes language repealing the aid elimination penalty.
Thanks for your attention to this important issue. I look forward to hearing your thoughts as soon as you have a chance to share them."
Posted by
11:09 AM
Labels: Drug Policy, Education
Michael's Message about the Drug War on Education
"As your constituent, I'm writing to ask you to take action on an important issue that will be in front of the HELP Committee very soon.
Since 1998, nearly 200,000 aspiring college students have been stripped of their financial aid because they have drug convictions, usually for relatively minor offenses such as possession of small amounts of marijuana. I respectfully urge you to make sure that this aid elimination penalty, which was added to the Higher Education Act in 1998, is repealed through this year's HEA reauthorization.
While the penalty is supposed to keep young people away from drugs, it actually does the opposite by kicking at-risk students out of school.
But blocking access to education doesn't just hurt the students directly impacted; it has harmful implications for society as a whole. College graduates are much more likely to become successful taxpaying citizens, while those who are kicked out of school are more likely to abuse drugs, become costly drains on the criminal justice system, and rely on expensive government assistance programs.
Furthermore, since there are already minimum GPA requirements to receive financial aid, the penalty only affects hardworking students who are doing well in their classes.
As for students who are causing problems and disrupting the learning process for others, college administrators already have the authority to expel them, and judges have long had the ability to revoke student aid from people with drug convictions on a case-by-case basis. The one-size-fits-all penalty strips discretion from decision-makers who know students best.
Numerous addiction recovery, criminal justice, religious, and other leaders have insisted that education is one of the best means to reduce crime and drug abuse, and Congress's own Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance recommended removing the drug conviction question from the aid application, calling it "irrelevant" to eligibility. Even the Bush administration doesn’t like the penalty; the Undersecretary of Education recently testified to a House subcommittee that the drug question is “not anything that we need at the department.”
Fortunately, this year’s HEA reauthorization process presents a great opportunity to get rid of the harmful and unfair penalty once and for all. As a member of the HELP Committee, please help tens of thousands of hardworking and determined individuals get back into school and on the path to success by making sure that the HEA bill includes language repealing the aid elimination penalty.
Thanks for your attention to this important issue. I look forward to hearing your thoughts as soon as you have a chance to share them."
Posted by
10:44 AM
Labels: Drug Policy, Education
Friday, April 20, 2007
Daniel's Message about the Drug War on Education
"As your constituent, I'm writing to urge you to make sure that the penalty that strips financial aid from college students with drug convictions is repealed through the Higher Education Act reauthorization. Since the aid elimination penalty was added as an amendment to HEA in 1998, nearly 200,000 aspiring students have been blocked access to aid, often for relatively minor offenses such as possession of small amounts of marijuana.
On a personal note, I am one of those students who have prior marijuana possession charges. Sorry I am not perfect. My charges occrred in 2003 prior to my enrollment in college and the court sentenced me to a rehab/drug education program. My drug charge did not affect my eligibility because I had completed the drug education program. I can not imagine where I would be now if I did not have the opportunity to go to college. I have completed internships in former congressman Rob Simmons district office, Gov. Rell's constituent services ofice, and an internship in the General Assembly in 2005 under Rep. Adinolfi. I believe that I am a perfect example of what a person is able to accompish once given a second chance.
But blocking access to education doesn't just hurt the students directly impacted - it has harmful implications for society as a whole. College graduates are much more likely to become successful taxpaying citizens, while those who are kicked out of school are more likely to abuse drugs, become costly drains on the criminal justice system, and rely on expensive government assistance programs.
As for students who are causing problems and disrupting the learning process for others, college administrators already have the authority to expel them, and judges have long had the ability to revoke student aid from people with drug convictions on a case-by-case basis. The one-size-fits-all penalty strips discretion from decision-makers who know students best.
Numerous addiction recovery, criminal justice, religious, and other leaders have insisted that education is one of the best means to reduce crime and drug abuse, and Congress's own Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance recommended removing the drug conviction question from the aid application, calling it "irrelevant" to eligibility. Even the Bush administration doesn't like the penalty; the Undersecretary of Education recently testified to a House subcommittee that the drug question is "not anything that we need at the department."
Fortunately, this year's HEA reauthorization process presents a great opportunity to get rid of the harmful and unfair penalty once and for all. Please help tens of thousands of hardworking and determined individuals get back into school and on the path to success by making sure that the HEA bill includes language repealing the aid elimination penalty.
Thanks for your attention to this important issue. I look forward to hearing your thoughts as soon as you have a chance to share them."
Posted by
11:34 AM
Labels: Drug Policy, Education
David's Message about the Drug War on Education
"Dear Senator Barbara Boxer,
As your constituent, as a pagan, as a cannabis patient, as a college student receiveing financial aid, I'm writing to urge you to make sure that the penalty that strips financial aid from college students with drug convictions is repealed through the Higher Education Act reauthorization. Since the aid elimination penalty was added as an amendment to HEA in 1998, nearly 200,000 aspiring students have been blocked access to aid, often for relatively minor offenses such as possession of small amounts of healing Cannabis.
Remember, I am one of those people who believe that drug criminalization harms society. I come bearing facts and figures in my community, so I won't bore you with them. I will, however, tell you that cannabis itself is such a waste to smoke it, or even use it as a medicine.
When it is a alternative fuel, textile and chemical product that is the non-toxic alternative to Petroleum. Why even Henry Ford knew that, the first cars that ran off the first assembly line ran off "HEMP-O-LINE." In fact at least I beleive that cancer could go back to the lows before the 1980's if this free electron giving compound were expelled instead of the cancer causing petroleum.
While the penalty is supposed to keep young people away from drugs, it actually does the opposite by kicking at-risk students out of school. As the statistics have proven time and time again that people are more likely to be successful, commit less crimes and increase the tax base and be free of more criminalizing and deadly drugs.
Again College graduates are much more likely to become successful taxpaying citizens, while those who are kicked out of school are more likely to abuse drugs, become costly drains on the criminal justice system, and rely on expensive government assistance programs.
Furthermore, since there are already minimum GPA requirements to receive financial aid, the penalty only affects hardworking students who are doing well in their classes.
"Only affects hardworking students doing well in their classes."
That would be me, if I am caught. As I have a B average. I am a homeless student trying to pull myself out of the gutter, I think I deserve better. Don't you?
As for students who are causing problems and disrupting the learning process for others, college administrators already have the authority to expel them, and judges have long had the ability to revoke student aid from people with drug convictions on a case-by-case basis. The
one-size-fits-all penalty strips discretion from decision-makers who know students best.
Numerous addiction recovery, criminal justice, religious, and other leaders have insisted that education is one of the best means to reduce crime and drug abuse, and Congress's own Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance recommended removing the drug conviction question from the aid application, calling it "irrelevant" to eligibility. Even the Bush administration doesn't like the penalty; the Undersecretary of Education recently testified to a House subcommittee that the drug question is "not anything that we need at the department."
Fortunately, this year's HEA reauthorization process presents a great opportunity to get rid of the harmful and unfair penalty once and for all. Please help tens of thousands of hardworking and determined individuals get back into school and on the path to success by making sure that the HEA bill includes language repealing the aid elimination penalty.
So when you think of this bill, think of me. Your friend, constituent, and longtime freelance lobbier and envisioner of the California Student Supportive Housing Cooperative."
Tell Congress to help people like David: http://capwiz.com/mobilize/issues/alert/?alertid=9628286
Posted by
11:17 AM
Labels: Drug Policy, Education
Valerie's Message to Congress about The War on Education
"Dear Senator Boxer and Senator Feinstein,
As your constituent, I'm writing to urge you to make sure that the penalty
that strips financial aid from college students with drug convictions
repealed through the Higher Education Act reauthorization. Since the aid
elimination penalty was added as an amendment to HEA in 1998, nearly
200,000 aspiring students have been blocked access to aid, often for
relatively minor offenses such as possession of small amounts of marijuana.
While the penalty is supposed to keep young people away from drugs, it
actually does the opposite by kicking at-risk students out of school.
But blocking access to education doesn't just hurt the students directly
impacted - it has harmful implications for society as a whole. college
graduates are much more likely to become successful taxpaying citizens,
while those who are kicked out of school are more likely to abuse drugs,
become costly drains on the criminal justice system, and rely on expensive
government assistance programs.
Furthermore, since there are already minimum GPA requirements to receive
financial aid, the penalty only affects hardworking students who are doing
well in their classes.
As for students who are causing problems and disrupting the learning
process for others, college administrators already have the authority to
expel them, and judges have long had the ability to revoke student aid
from people with drug convictions on a case-by-case basis. The
one-size-fits-all penalty strips discretion from decision-makers who know
students best.
Numerous addiction recovery, criminal justice, religious, and other
leaders have insisted that education is one of the best means to reduce
crime and drug abuse, and Congress's own Advisory Committee on student
Financial Assistance recommended removing the drug conviction question
from the aid application, calling it "irrelevant" to eligibility. Even
the Bush administration doesn't like the penalty; the Undersecretary of
Education recently testified to a House subcommittee that the drug
question is "not anything that we need at the department."
Fortunately, this year's HEA reauthorization process presents a great
opportunity to get rid of the harmful and unfair penalty once and for all.
Please help tens of thousands of hardworking and determined individuals
get back into school and on the path to success by making sure that the
HEA bill includes language repealing the aid elimination penalty.
Thanks for your attention to this important issue. I look forward to
hearing your thoughts as soon as you have a chance to share them."
Posted by
10:21 AM
Labels: Drug Policy, Education
Monday, April 16, 2007
Diane's Message to Congress
"My name is Diane Latiker, and I am writing on behalf of Kids Off The
Block to invite you to participate in our event "Clean & Green Day" for
National & Global Youth Service Day, Saturday, April 21, 2007.
Kids Off The Block (KOB) is an afterschool program located in the
Roseland Community of Chicago. I founded this organization in July of
2003, to give youth positive alternatives to gangs, drugs, truancy,
violence, and the juvenile justice system.
We started out with 10 youth from the neighborhood and now serve over 100, with a waiting list. KOB youth are doing great things in Roseland, and need our support to continue to support the communities in which they live.
On April 21, 2007 from 9:00am to 2:30pm approximately 60 youth and adult volunteers will participate in Clean & Green Day projects in Roseland. These projects will include picking up litter, painting light poles, planting flowers/grass. We would be honored if you would participate in our activities by attending our event and delivering remarks pertaining to how important it is that youth take pride in their communities through beautification projects such as this one.
To date, we have invited Ald. Anthony Beale (9th Ward), State Rep. Robert Rita. We would be honored to include you as another participant in our National & Global Youth Service Day event.
If your schedule permits you to attend or you have further questions about the event, please contact me at 773-995-9077."
Posted by
2:04 PM
Labels: Civic Engagement, Youth Service
Anna's Message to Congress
"Would you please fund the future of our public education? I went to Ruskin with your niece, it was in despair then. I still hear and see that Ruskin is not improving in quality. There are no words to describe how poorly funded that school, in addition to many other schools here in the state of Missouri are. Our schools are getting worse and you can't just sit back and watch them get worse. So please do something about it.
The crime rate in this district, in addition to several other districts, is deplorable. SO many businesses are going under, and now, so many of us college students are having trouble finding local work, in addition to high school students here are trouble finding work and after school programs, which helps them stay out of trouble. Part of the problem facing children and our schools is that the poorest and least advantaged students go to school in districts and states without sufficient resources to sustain excellent educational opportunities. And until the federal government steps up and treats education like the true national priority it ought to be, these children will continue to suffer from the cruel lottery of where they happen to be born.
For instance, when I went to Ruskin and graduated in the class of 2002, we were using virus-ridden compaqs running windows 95 then, even for just the technology factor, for beginners. Yet even worse, when I was in 9th grade, most of my class did not know their times tables.
My sister, Dawn Palmer, taught at Ruskin for a few years. Every year, the incoming freshmen students' English has gotten worse. Also confirming my sister's suspicions, are college instructors here at MCC-Longview, such as the instructor of Music of the Worlds Cultures, Denise Flahive. Many times I hear her speak in the music office at Longview about how students writing abilities have gotten much worse over the years, yet she can't drop the bar lower, considering her class is writing intensive. These students are not prepared to face the world as it is, and need more attention to their learning. We need your help!!"
Posted by
11:24 AM
Labels: Education
Ann's Message to Congress
"Dear Congresswoman Woolsey,
I am writing to urge you to support the $30 million allocation for Gulf Coast
education in H.R. 1591.
I am a student at Yale University and am currently on spring break. I spent all of last week in New Orleans, mainly gutting houses and a firehouse union hall.
During my time there, I attended a Neighborhood Planning Network meeting in which a panel of speakers discussed New Orleans' education situation. The people there all spoke with hope as they illuminated the problems education is facing in the city. There are not enough teachers, space nor supplies for every child to attend school. A psychiatrist also spoke about the emotional and mental help children need now. Often, the effect of the hurricane on children's emotional stability is overlooked. Thus, schools not only need more teachers, but also more counselors who can provide comforting mental help.
I became emotionally attached to the city, even though I was only there for one week. The people were warm and the colorful houses revealed their bright spirit. The jazz music and Creole food were all uniquely pleasant. The lively downtown area, however, was juxtaposed to the neighborhoods around the city that still were completely abandoned with sagging houses still carrying water marks 8 feet above the ground. In the neighborhood I worked in, many people were beginning to return and after interacting with them, I saw how much hope and determination they had to keep New Orleans alive. New Orleans is their home.
I firmly believe that schools are vital to New Orleans' recovery. Hurricanes Katrina and Rita displaced 12,000 teachers from the Gulf Coast, including 4,500 teachers from New Orleans alone. Today, Gulf Coast school districts, especially the state-run Recovery School District, are facing acute teacher shortages as more and more families return to the area.
Already, 28,000 students have returned to New Orleans, and 56 schools have opened. Next year, the city expects to enroll 40,000 students, and to have 80 schools open. These schools need to be staffed with high quality educators.
H.R. 1591 will help the New Orleans area attract and retain high-quality educators by providing performance bonuses for those who come to or stay in the area, student loan relief, and relocation and housing assistance to help them find affordable housing.
Good schools will encourage families to return to the city, and a well-educated workforce will help spur economic revitalization. Most importantly, good schools will provide the thousands of young people who still suffer from the aftermath of the hurricanes with a chance for a brighter future. To make this possible, the Gulf Coast needs high quality teachers.
Please support the allocations for Gulf Coast K-12 teacher recruitment in H.R. 1591. Thank you!"
Posted by
11:03 AM
Labels: Education, Gulf Coast Relief
Kara's Message to Congress
"Dear Representative Marshall,
My name is Kara Thomas and I'm a high school student. I am writing to you to ask you to support a constitutional right to quality education for all children (HJ 29).
As a child, I, like most children, did not like going to school. I dreaded getting up in the morning and spending my time stuck in a classroom where a boring teacher talked all day about things I did not care about or understand. I went to a public elementary school, and in the first grade I tested for and was accepted into the gifted program.
One day a week, a few other first graders and I would get out of class and spend the day learning about things that other first graders did not know about. I loved it because I was being challenged.
In second grade I had a teacher that did not teach. We watched unrelated movies all day. When she did try to teach, she would teach us things a second grader should not be learning, like long division. She would yell at us if we did not do our homework. My class mates and I cried on a regular basis. Half way through the school year she did not come to school. We had a substitute, but after two weeks people started asking questions. My mother called the school to ask where my lack luster teacher had gone. "To jail," was the response we got. She was arrested for possession with intent to sell crack cocaine.
We had the substitute for the rest of the year.
The next year I was in third grade. That was the year the school finally realized that I could not read. Most students had started learning to read in kindergarten. Not me. So, on Tuesdays and Thursdays I would spend a few hours with a group of my peers who were likewise troubled. And Wednesdays I would spend the day in my gifted class. Ironic, isn't it? I finally learned to read in fourth grade.
Also in fourth grade I had a teacher that was new to the school. Supposedly she was quite good. I do not really remember. What I do remember is that I was being physically abused by a classmate. The teacher noticed and both of us were called to the principal's office separately. I told her everything. She did nothing. She continued to do nothing even when I told her that this student had threatened to shoot some of my friends and me. Nothing ever happened to this principal, besides being given the job of being principal at a new school in Macon that was recently built. That school has a horrible reputation.
After graduating from elementary school in sixth grade I started at Mount de Sales. For the most part Mount de Sales proved to be a decent environment for me. In seventh grade I took the SAT through the Duke Talent Identification Program (TIP) and scored a 1000. That qualified me for state recognition and to be able to participate in the summer programs. I went to the University of Kansas the summer of 2006 to take a writing workshop through Duke TIP. We wrote for almost forty hours a week and I loved every second of it.
In tenth grade I confronted the Mount de Sales administration on the use of the Accelerated Reader program. My argument was that it was weighted too heavily and that the books I read were not on the list. I am an avid reader and have been since I learned to read in fourth grade. I
was being penalized because I read new releases or relatively unknown books. At the beginning of the second semester of the principal announced that high school students would no longer be required to do the Accelerated Reader program.
In my junior and senior years of high school I hope to do joint enrollment with Wesleyan College. After I graduate I want to get my bachelor's degree in psychology and literature from Guilford College and my master's in psychology from Boston College. I want to be an addiction therapist in a nonprofit rehab clinic.
Through all of my problems with the schools and teachers, one would think that my dislike of education would just grow. It has been quite the opposite, though. I continue to look for more things to learn and new ways I can challenge myself. But I would have never gotten to this point had I not had a few great teachers along the way, and parents that simply would't take any
grades below a B.
Some children, though, are't lucky enough to have that outside support from their families or teachers. Those students usually end up dropping out and turning to minimum wage jobs or a life on the streets. The next great mind could have been in that group of students that dropped out, but now we'll never know. Education should be one of, if not the top priority to the State and Country leaders. Children are our future, and without adequate education, that future grows bleaker everyday.
Please, Representative Marshall, support HJ 29 and make it possible for all children to get a good education. Just think, without education, where would you be today? Thank-you for your time. "
Posted by
10:04 AM
Labels: Education
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Ariela's Message to Congress
Posted by
3:39 PM
Labels: Education, Gulf Coast Relief
Monday, March 19, 2007
Andrea's Message to Congress
I joined Prepare the Future as a high school student who is thoroughly disenchanted by the public school system. The path through high school has been turbulent, at best. As a bright, high achieving honors student, I have encountered road blocks to my educational opportunities that have, at times, made me lose faith in the system.
If I am a bright student with strong community ties, what must it be like for less advantaged students?
Education reform is essential to establishing an education worthy ofall of our students. Since many of us cannot vote for representatives,we have no say in how this is done. With organizations such as Prepare the Future, however, our voices can be heard, and our agenda will beheard.
Prepare the Future will ensure that policy impacting children at the local, state, and national levels: reflects our core values of fairness, trust and responsibility and strong, caring communities; ensures that the academic achievement and promotion/graduation of rates of students is improved overall; and narrows the achievement gap at a pace that will virtually eliminate it within one student generation.
Thank you, in advance, for your support of issues and policies positively impacting the lives of our nation's children and youth."
Posted by
10:38 AM
Labels: Children/Families, Education
Matthew's Message about Drug Policy and Financial Aid
"Picture this if you will: The summer after high school graduation you and some friends get caught smoking a marijuana cigarette at some deserted farm by the sheriff. Because of the higher education act, if you're parents can't afford to send you to college, you're not going to be able to go. The Higher Education Act bans citizens with a drug conviction from receiving student financial aid.
Conversely, if, while driving, you kill a person under the intoxication of alcohol, after you've served your time you are as eligible for financial aid as the eighteen year old honor student graduating high school.
See something wrong with this picture?
In our society, once you've paid your debt to society, you're free to live your life as anyone else can. However, with the crime of drug possession, the punishment continues long after the debt
is paid to society.
It's not right. It's hypocritical. What if every politician that ever smoked marijuana when they were a teenager had gotten caught and not been afforded the opportunity to attend college. Where would they be now? Not all of them were the children of wealthy families. Welcome to the factory, son.
Tens of thousands of determined young people are waiting to get back into school. Please help them achieve success by co-sponsoring the RISE Act today.
Thanks for your attention to this important issue. I look forward to hearing your thoughts as soon as you have a chance to share them."
Posted by
10:33 AM
Labels: Drug Policy, Education
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Lani's Message to Congress
"As a recent college graduate, I understand the struggles of earning a degree. With tuition rising every year, along with the miscellaneous costs of attending college (textbooks, supplies, etc) and the overall cost of living, just getting by is hard enough. For potential or current students who face a drug conviction, the burdens of overcoming legal and personal struggles associated with using or dealing drugs can be overwhelming. While some with drug convictions belong behind bars, far more are relatively normal people with relatively normal aspirations for their lives.
Many with drug convictions do not have substantial financial resources to independently fund their higher education. For those who want tomove past their drug problems and continue their pursuit of a degree, many need financial aid -- financial aid that is no longer available,thanks to the aid elimination penalty amendment to the Higher Education Act (1998).
As your constituent, I urge you to reconsider the logic behind creating obstacles for higher education for students with drug convictions -- does this not further condemn them to a life of drug use/dealing? There are already minimum GPA requirements for financial-aid, so blocking aid only affects students who are doing well in their classes. Why would we discourage at-risk students from staying in school?
College graduates are much more likely to become successful tax-paying citizens, while those who are kicked out of school are more likely to abuse drugs, become costly drains on the criminal justice system, and rely on expensive government assistance programs. Numerous addiction recovery, criminal justice, religious, and other leaders have insisted that education is one of the best means to reduce crime and drug abuse. Education is one of our society's greatest tools of reform; without an education, how can we expect anyone to achieve greatness?
I urge you to support the Removing Impediments to Students' Education(RISE) Act, sponsored in the House by Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), whichwould repeal the aid elimination penalty and help hard-working and determined individuals get back into school and on the path to success. Last Congress, the bill had more than 70 House co-sponsors. Even Congress's own Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance recommended removing the drug conviction question from the aid application, calling it "irrelevant" to eligibility.
Thank you for your attention in this matter; I look forward to your response."
Posted by
3:27 PM
Labels: Drug Policy, Education, Student Debt
Monday, February 19, 2007
Tom and Ruthann's Message to Congress About Helping their Daughter
"Our daughter, Josie finished attending our local community college, NIACC (North Iowa Area Community College) and began attending Iowa State University in Ames in January. It was convenient and affordable for her to attend NIACC those 2 ½ years, and we were able to pay the tuition, books, etc without obtaining a student loan. It’s always been Josie’s education goal to attend a four year university. Up until December 2006, she was undecided where she would attend. After visiting both U of Ia and ISU, she decided on ISU. What an absolute shock it was for her father and I to see the price of tuition rates/book fees/housing etc! We had no idea the cost.
My first reaction was panic. 'How would we get the money borrowed by the due date of January 20th?' We made two trips to Ames to discuss student loans with ISU staff. Most of the applications were more readily accepted if done on the Internet. So we did. I expected the United States to encourage and make available an education that is not only affordable but attainable by all socio-economic levels. I was saddened to see that the interest rate to borrow money to obtain a respectable education was higher than I recently obtained for a loan on a 5 year old car!
We co-signed for her, and God willing, she will graduate and obtain a job she enjoys and engages in. I do already worry about the responsibility she will have 6 months after graduation, beginning to pay off the nearly $80,000 student loan she will have. It is no wonder our young Americans are troubled by problems associated with over spending and why so many of them will also leave Iowa (perhaps against their own wishes) to obtain a job that support those college loan payments.
Thank you so much for your positive vote to make the changes in the right direction. I appreciate your time."
Posted by
2:10 PM
Labels: Student Debt