As best we can tell, most users come to the site, take action and then leave. That's fine -- more than fine, it is the reason we set up the site: to help you connect with your elected officials. But you can also use the site to learn more about the policies you are taking action on -- you can become an expert youth advocate! So we added a featured alert, featured success, and featured "Learn More" entry right on the home page, to give a taste of the content to be found within. What do you think? Any ideas for ways we could adjust the home page to make it even better?
Monday, July 10, 2006
A Victory in the Fight to End Domestic Violence!
Last week, the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) posted a call alert using the Youth Policy Action Center as part of an important campaign seeking sufficient funds for important Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) youth programs.
In a troubled fiscal climate where many important programs are suffering from budget cuts, the NNEDV campaign helped secure 25 million additional dollars for VAWA youth programs! This is a truly dramatic victory and we thank everyone who took action on this alert.
You may want to thank your Representative for his or her support in the fight against domestic violence!
Posted by
Thaddeus Ferber
10:44 AM
Friday, July 07, 2006
What's that in the rear view mirror?
You -- the users of YPAC -- have sped past a major milestone. In less than three months since the re-launch of YPAC (April 18, 2006) , 2166 of you have already sent 5251 messages to your officials. This already surpasses the number which were sent in the entire first beta-year of the site! Keep your foot on the gas pedal, even greater things are ahead!
Posted by
Thaddeus Ferber
4:16 PM